Saturday, April 28, 2007

First Day Out

Well, today I had an interesting adventure. Last August I went sailing on the Robert C. Seamans, as I noted a while ago on my blog My Camel Broke Down. On the sail I was in a watch with a fellow by the name of Ed Steiner, who turned out to not only be awesome, but also one of the bigwigs at the Los Angeles Maritime Institute. I hadn't heard from him in a while till I got an email a few weeks ago. I decided to see what I could do to participate at LAMI in my spare time. Today I went out on a volunteer training sail on the Exy Johnson.

I have to admit...I was a little unprepared to go out sailing today. First of all, from my phone call to Ed about coming to LAMI, I got the impression that volunteer training would be simple sitting in some room for a couple of hours watching training videos and having lecture, then filling out some forms. was actually sailing. So, I came dressed in my good jeans, and my comfy teacher's shoes, and had no hat. Luckily I had my sunglasses, and half a bottle of water. But I had no food, no sailing gloves, no sunscreen, and no knife and spike for my belt.

Despite my obvious lack of preparation, the trip was a complete success. Thanks to my experience in San Diego, and my sail on the Seamans with three of the people who headed the crew on the Exy, I was treated practically like I was crew too. I really enjoyed that. It was nice to have plenty of experience hauling on lines, belaying, coiling, setting sail and all that jazz. I even got to go out on the bowsprit to furl sails (the bowsprit is a place I dearly love to be, though I don't know why...).

All in all, I think it was a great experience. I really look forward to doing it again. Thankfully they sail on Saturdays, and every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, so I can do that and still go to San Diego on 1st and 3rd Sundays. And the driving to Long Beach isn't quite as far, which is nice. This way I think I can fully satiate my relentless need to be on the deck of a ship. And this way I also get to work with kids, since that is what LAMI is all about! Sweet!

But man, am I sore....especially my feet. My teacher's shoes are nice comfy loafers and not designed to withstand the discomfort of standing on the netting of the head rig on the bowsprit, or standing on stays while furling sails. Next time I will come wearing my tough hiking boots. And I will wear face is as red as an apple. But at least I got to sail, and that's all that matters.

The Exy Johnson


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