Saturday, July 21, 2007

Potter for President

Elizabeth and I stood in line at Barnes and Noble last night for our reserved copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. She dropped me off at home at 12:15, and I started reading it at 12:30am. There were a few breaks: bathrooms, food, drink, caffeine (which i didn't need much of), and now it is 10:00am. Done.

Thank you J.K. Rowling, for your masterpiece. Thank you for seven years of magic and Hogwarts, a place I dearly wish I could go. Thank you for friends that will always be there in books to be visited time and time again. And thank you for Albus Dumbledore.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Angry Baby

So what do you do with an Angry Baby?

I'm sitting here, 4 minutes and counting on having left the baby in her crib for her afternoon nap, waiting for her to stop crying. She was quite content to doze on my shoulder, but the second I put her in the crib, she becomes an angry creature, emitting piercing sounds of distress over the indignation of being put to bed. But what do you do? She showed all the signs of afternoon sleepiness: the rubbing of eyes with fists, the heavy sighs, the kneading of hands and feet, even the occasional unwarranted teariness.

And yet, the crib is simply intolerable. So here I wait, hoping that she cries herself to sleep. We are now 7 minutes and counting.

This is the part I've always hated about babysitting kids still young enough to need naps during the day. I've always felt bad about submitting them to the agony of having to take an afternoon nap. It is really hard to hear them cry.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Friends Rock

This goes out to the wonderful and generous Meggish the Spider-Slayer.

When complaining (yet again) of the odious task of vacuuming, aka killing, the spiders out of my kitchen cabinets, and how afraid I was of it, the Meggish volunteered to do it for me! And right then and there, she lept into her orange vessel and made her swift way to my humble abode. She spent a couple of hours fearlessly vacuuming up the cabinets, freeing them of their spidery tenants. Apparently I need to make sure to put my flour in an airtight container in the future. The spiders were attracted to the abundance of tiny little beetles that have been plaguing my kitchen for months, the source of which I could not discover until today. (I haven't opened up those cabinets in a very very long time.)

In return for her gallantry, the Meggish was rewarded with two wicker baskets that fit her bookcase, several choice books that were in my "Give Away" pile, and coffee. I hope that this was a just reward, for I feel that I owe her so much more.

Thankee kindly, good lady.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

the score

A few weeks ago I was having some serious issues, which I made light of on this blog.

I just wanted to say that things are better.

First of all, (and this might sound strange to some), I have totally given over my life to God. That has been a complete release. My life hasn't gotten much easier, but now i know how to deal with it. I feel so much better. Its hard to explain, but if you want to chat about it, email me.

Second, I've started cleaning out my apartment. It doesn't look much better, but things are now in boxes; bags and bags of trash have been thrown out, and this week I plan on tackling my spider infestation in the kitchen cabinets with a vaccuum cleaner. There's still lots to do, but I have a handle on it now. Yay!

Third, I have a part time job. It is not even close to being enough to pay for things, but I'm getting there. I have hope because in a few weeks school will start, and I can start substituting. I'm working at Starbucks, which I plan on taking with me wherever I end up at the end of August, and working in the evenings. I like it. Its not very complicated, and the only hard part is not getting too flustered by waves of anxious, demanding customers ordering things like a venti half-decaf upside-down nonfat latte with 2 pumps of caramel and extra foam. Hehehe, yeah, you know who you are out there.

And finally, I'm on my own. It has been extremely difficult and unpleasant to not have money in my bank account, and having help from family, but on the other hand, I now know the absolute importance of finding work and have significant motivation to get my ass moving. Letting God take care of me helps too. I find that things are suddenly there for me, that all I need to do is reach out and take them. Again...hard to explain.

Extras are the Museum, of course, providing a welcome distraction on Sundays. We had our yearly Sail Crew testing today, and I am pretty sure I did okay. I just hope that all the hard work and hours and hours of driving will pay off, and this year I'll make crew, be posted on the Surprise, and we'll get to sail this year. It seems that the only thing in the way of our leaving dockside with our sails set is submitting the sail plan to the Coast Guard. The Sail plan is essentially a blue-print of the original sail layouts, the weights of the sails, their draw and effect on the ship's movement. It is apparently buried somewhere deep inside the Marine Archives in DC, and they are taking their sweet time trying to find it. It is the last hurdle. Soon. Very soon.

So, that's it! In a few weeks I hope to have moved in to a new place, somewhere nearer to or in San Diego, with a job or two and hopefully teaching in some form or another. I know it sound vague, but I have faith that it will work out.


Sunday, July 8, 2007

more sketches

Ok, so this one started after I'd lain in bed for about half an hour the other night. I was suddenly inspired by something (I can't remember what) and jumping up, turned the light on and grabbed my sketch pad.

The original drawing looks funny here because it was on cream colored paper and the scanner bleached most of that color out.

Here's the Photoshop finish:

Friday, July 6, 2007


So lately I've been in the Star Wars mood. Jedi are always fun to draw. On the Fourth, with family and friends occupying most of the available space at my folks' place, I sat by myself drawing. It was my way of taking a break from a day's worth of cooking.

Here's the sketch I did:

And here's the finished Photoshop drawing: