Thursday, September 13, 2007

Last Night

Saying goodbye sucks. Tonight I said goodbye to my store. My last close. My last night working with Melissa.

It couldn't have been a better night. There weren't very many customers, we got all the cleaning done early, and I got to work with two of my favorite people. I brought in my iPod and speakers, and we played great music all night, and just had a great time. A couple of my coworkers even came in to say goodbye! Oh man. A good night.

I'm going to miss them all. I just hope and pray that my new store is a good one, and the people there are nice. I really really hope it is a good store. *sigh*

I had a moment earlier this evening along the lines of "oh shit, what the F*** am I doing??? I'm leaving one of the few places I desperately wanted to live, I'm leaving my family, I'm moving to a completely unknown city, and I don't know anyone there!" Which isn't entirely true, since my godfather lives there, and a couple of my mates from the Museum live around there, but still. I hope this works out. I hope this isn't the biggest mistake of my life.

Paul, you asshole, why couldn't you have kept the rent at $990 instead of raising it to almost $1200 a month???? Its a STUDIO!!! *sigh*

1 comment:

eatrawfish said...

The biggest mistake of your life should be something that leads to the deaths of innocents or something along those lines.

If you've made a mistake in this case you can move again in 6-12 months. :)

Good luck!